It's been a while since I've posted to the blog. Sometimes life just gets in the way!
We've received a bunch of new stuff, had lots of Show and Tell and a huge birthday blowout for Dorothy's 70th.
Sherry made this "Five and Dime" quilt using one "Indigo" Gradations layer cake and a charm pack. We love how this top looks like blue jeans!
Mitch Kelly (of Racoon Ridge Quilting) used a daisy motif for the quilting.
Now if I could only find someone to do the binding.....!!!!
"Five and Dime" top using Gradations pre-cuts |
can you see the "Daisies" quilting motif? |
Sherry has been very busy. She also made this "Cake Mix" top using one layer cake and part of a jelly roll. Wow!!
She used "Pinafores and Petticoats" pre-cuts by Kaye England (1930's) and "Pastel" Marbles for the borders.
This pattern is super simple and great for beginners.
"Cake Mix" quilt using 1930's pre-cuts |
If you've been bitten by the "Farm Girl Vintage" bug, you'll love this jar of "Cute Little Buttons" by Lori Holt.
We signed up for the 'buttons of the month' club from our supplier so, we'll receive a different jar of her buttons each month (or so) through December.
Each jar contains 400 buttons....the perfect finishing touch for any project or "Farm Girl Vintage" block!!!! YIPPEE!!!
"Cute Little Buttons" by Lori Holt |
The rest of our "From the Farm" order finally came in. We'd received a partial shipment of this collection a couple of weeks, the rest of it is here.
Who knew vegetables could be so cute! We particularly love the old blue truck loaded down with veggies..
"From the Farm" linear print |
"From the Farm" veggies on blue, tan and cream |
"From the Farm" allover tossed print on cream |
close up of the "allover tossed" on cream print |
"From the Farm" prints on dark brown and cream |
"Strawberries" on their way to market! |
these three prints are the outlines of "Allover Tossed" without color |
I love the color blue. Always have, probably always will.
These four bolts of "Dit Dot" was a total impulse buy. They're blue so, we had to have them!
"Dit Dot" prints: four shades of blue (imagine that) |
We've had a lot of "Show and Tell" since the last post.
Ileene brought in these blocks she's been working on. We can't wait to see them when she's finished.
Ileene's work in progress!
There's a reason I'm not a professional photographer....this picture is sideways but hopefully you can still see how magnificent this quilt is.
Ileene recently made her "Tree of Life" quilt then hubby Mitch quilted it for her. This quilt is truly breathtaking in person.
Thanks, Ileene (and Mitch) for sharing it with us. Sorry I'm not a better photographer!
Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner: Part of last Saturday's festivities were door prizes every 30 minutes from noon to 5:00 p.m Eleven lucky people won some great prizes....just for coming to the party!
Lois (with help from Sophie) chose a "Happy Camper" adult coloring book as her 'one free coloring book'.
Lois' (with Sophie) choice of an adult coloring book |
Kimberly chose "Perfect Quilts from Precut Fabrics" as her 'free quilting book'.
Kimberly's free quilting book |
Melba was the winner of the Craft Size package of Warm and Natural batting.
Melba with her free package of batting |
Thirteen year old Natalie was the winner of 'one free quilting pattern". She chose "Jo-Jo" by Abbey Lane.
Natalie's free quilt pattern choice |
Natalie's grandmother, Kathy was the winner of 'one free charm pack. Kathy chose "Country Orchard" for her prize.
We'll post pictures of the remaining winners when they come in.
Kathy chose a "Country Orchard' charm pack as her door prize |
If you've known me for more than five minutes you know I love (love, love, love) 1930's prints. Yep, sure do.
I almost fainted when I saw the samples of "Spring-A-Ling" by American Jane for Moda but, I spun straight up when they actually arrived last week!
We have six colorways of the main prints and seven colorways of the coordinating fabrics (dots). YIPPEE!!
I love the names of some of the colorways of this collection: paste, mint, mustard, baby boy blue.
This isn't the greatest picture but hopefully you can see how super yummy these are.
13 bolts of "Spring-A-Ling" by American Jane for Moda |
Have I mentioned I love 1930's??? Well, I do.
These nine bolts pictured below are from the "1930's Vintage Floral" collection by Washington Street Studios.
How can you not love something that has "1930's" as the name of the collection?
Again, these are not the greatest pictures but, hopefully you can see each print well enough to know how super yummy they are too!!
1930's Vintage Floral prints by Washington Street Studios |
more "1930's Vintage Floral" prints |
"Spring-A-Ling", Natural Solid and White Solid layer cakes |
new Row by Row patterns using license plates |
"License to Play" pattern using Row by Row license plates |
fabulous table toppers book with 56 patterns. YIPPEE!! |
If you've been to the shop recently you may have seen the PODS that are everywhere. PODS are pre-cut kits made exclusively by Maywood Studios.
We have table runner and quilt PODS. PODS are great for beginners since all the work has already been done.
The fabrics have been chosen, they're already cut...all you have to do is sew them together.
"Table Runner" PODS include the backing and binding fabrics; "quilt' PODS include the binding fabric. Easy peasy!
Vicki made this "Twister Waves" table runner using a Maywood Studios kit.
The next step is getting it quilted!!
"Twister Waves" table runner kit by Maywood Studios |
Roam Sweet Home table runner POD (Sister's Choice pattern) |
Mitch quilted the four table runner PODS for us. |
the back of the PODS pictured above |
Vicki made an adorable "Five and Dime" top using "Sweet Baby" flannel pre-cuts awhile back. It's been draped over the flannel display at the end of the 'new arrivals' section for a couple of months.
As luck would have it, Mitch and Ileene walked in at the right time!
We loaded them down with all the PODS and shop samples that needed to be quilted.....drum roll please......last Saturday was delivery day! YIPPEE!!
Mitch did a great job of quilting the flannel "Five and Dime" quilt as well as the PODS (pictured above).
We love the 'daisies' motif he used and can't wait to give him something else to quilt for us!
Thanks, Mitch, Vicki, Dorothy and Sherry for making such gorgeous shop samples.
flannel Five and Dime quilt using Sweet Baby pre-cuts |
can you see the daisies?
Girl power: in honor of Mother's Day, all Moms received a free gift yesterday...a spool of Aurifil thread.
Happy Mother's Day!
three generations: Vickie's mom (from CA), Vickie and Kayla (mother of four legged Hugo) |
Melba and Cathy's free thread |
Joanne, Kay and Dorothy's Mother's Day thread |
Judy drove all the way from Arkansas for her free gift |
best friends Kimberly and Linda show off their thread |
sisters-in-law Sherry and Terri being silly with their thread! Silly girls! |
three generations: Natalie, Natalie's mom, Natalie's granny Kathy show off their Aurifil thread |
Suzanne (Jack's human) poses with her thread |
We love it when fur kids come to the shop with their humans.
Meet Miss Sophie. Sophie is the newest addition at Lois and Bill's house....and newest sister to Peanut.
Welcome to the shop, Sophie. Come back soon!
Sisters Molly and Mia stopped by the shop this week.....
Meet Jack. Jack (along with his humans, Suzanne and Norman) stopped by yesterday to drop off some donation pillowcases.
This wasn't Jack's first trip to the shop. He's been here before. We know Jack. Jack knows us.
Jack was tired when he arrived yesterday. He sniffed around a little bit then wanted to check out the parking lot.
After a trip our two around the yard he was ready to go...
Come back soon, Jack. We'll try to be more entertaining the next time you're here.
Jack is ready to go! |
Melba is a prolific crocheter. She reads crochet books, goes to crochet classes, watches crocheting videos, attends the crochet club at the library each month and on and on and on. Wow!
Yesterday, Melba brought in some of the items she's recently been working on: hot pads, pin cushions, refrigerator cute ate these?
Thanks, Melba for sharing your stuff with us.
"MIzzou" quilt Judi made for her son |
Like I said, it's been awhile since I posted anything.....Judi brought in this "Mizzou" quilt she recently made for her son.
He's a big Mizzou fan so, Judi put a tiger in the center and surrounding blocks of his quilt.
She also used "Mizzou" fabric for the backing then quilted it on her long arm.
the back of Judi's quilt |
colorful quilt Lois shared with us last week |
Lois shared these two quilts with us while she was here.
Wow! We love the colors she chose for her latest creations!
Thanks, Lois for sharing with us!
another colorful quilt by Lois |
Shawn made this adorable quilt for a friend's little boy (Wil). Hopefully you can see all the creatures on this quilt: a squirrel, fish, a turtle, eagles and even a snake.
What little boy wouldn't love to have this quilt? Great job, Shawn (we love his name in the upper right corner).
quilt Shawn made for a friend's little boy. |
We've been breathless with anticipation for the return of Kay's quilt from being quilted.
Our wait is over. YIPPEE!!! Kay made this "Double Wedding Ring" quilt in between chemo treatments and doctor's appointments over the past eight months.
Thanks, Kay for bringing this in to share with us. We love it and can't wait to see your next project.
Kay's Double Wedding Ring quilt |
close up of Kay's quilt |
the quilting on the back of Kay's quilt |
close up of the quilting |
While she was here, Kay also shared two other quilts she recently finished.
The purple log cabin is a POD she bought from us....
Log Cabin POD quilt Kay made |
However, the quilt pictured below will be donated to the Cancer Center in Joplin as a fundraiser later this year.
Kay appliqued a dove (the symbol for the Cancer Center) onto the back along with inspirational words surrounding the dove.
Joann brought a couple of projects she's been working on.
She crocheted this 'Teddy Bear" afghan for a family member's little boy. This is adorable in person.
"Teddy Bear" afghan Joanne crocheted |
She also brought this "Sunbonnet Sue" baby blanket she hand embroidered (and quilted) for another family member's little girl.
Great job, Joanne. We bet the little ones will love their gifts.
hand embroidered and quilted baby blanket |
Dorothy has been very busy....she also brought in several projects for "Show and Tell".
Row by Row license plates wall hanging |
"Outside the Window" winter scene |
Log Cabin top Dorothy recently finished |
Dorothy made this tote using a Row by Row license plate |
another tote using another license plate |
Dorothy's gifts from her 'sister' |
Our "Secret Sisters" have been very active this least those who live around here!
Dorothy, Vicki and Shawn each received something from their 'sister' this month.
the stuff Vicki received from her 'sister' |
Shawn's May gift from her 'secret sister' |
Sweetness and I would like to say "Happy Mother's Day" to all Moms.
Whether your children are two-legged or four-legged, Happy Mother's Day.