That's a long title for this posting but lots of nifty stuff has been going on in the shop.
We received 11 bolts of "Summer Breeze III" by Sentimental Studios (for Moda) but are expecting more of this collection next week. I can't wait!
This has been a very popular line. We sold out of the pre-cuts twice and had to re-order. Some pre-cuts are still available with another printing coming in July.
Summer Breeze III by Sentimental Studios for Moda |
Calling all 1930's fans: We received these prints of "Storybook Playtime" by Whistler Studios for Windham Fabric this week. More of this collection is expected soon.
1930's prints: Storybook Playtime. How cute are these? |
This print of "1930's Playtime" by Chloe's Closet was delivered this week. We also have this print on red and green colorways.
Fabrics for "Row by Row" are still arriving. This year's theme is "water".
this week's Row by Row prints |
English Paper Piecing has taken us by storm! Vickie C. suggested this book for the shop. It's full of nifty patterns and designs for E.P.P.
Thanks, Vickie for the suggestion! This is a great book.
English Paper Piecing book by Jaynette Huff |
Sometimes when the big brown truck arrives, there's a surprise inside. These "Lady Slipper" batiks by Holly Taylor were this week's surprise.
Lady Slipper batiks by Holly Taylor |
"Union Blues" fat quarter bundles finally arrived this week. We'd previously received the layer cakes, charm packs, jelly rolls and mini-charms of this collection but were waiting (impatiently) for these bundles!
This collection are by Barbara Brackman for Moda. The fat eighth bundles are coming soon.
Union Blues fat quarter bundles by Barbara Brackman for Moda |
We get downright giddy when batik pre-cuts include layer cakes.
This week's source of giddy was "Sticks and Stones" batik pre-cuts by Laundry Basket Quilts...including layer cakes! Yippee!
Sticks and Stones pre-cuts by Laundry Basket Quilts |
Sherryl was using an 45 mm Olfa ergonomic rotary cutter in her class last Saturday. Dorothy saw it and wanted one!
We now have them in stock (and their replacement blades).
Apparently I have a new addiction: tote bags. I guess I should say, tote bag patterns!
These patterns from "Pink Sand Beach Designs" are super cute and super easy to make. Some are fat quarter friendly, some use jelly roll strips. I love the background scenes of these patterns as much as the totes!
According to the titles of these patterns, I think the designer travels a lot: Newport Bag; Tahoe Tote; Riviera Handbag; Fiji Tote, London City Bag and Bermuda Bag.
new tote patterns by Pink Sand Beach Designs |
more new tote patterns by Pink Sand Beach Designs |
We L-O-V-E Moda Scrap Bags. They're full of nifty Moda fabric and they're a great value.
These are great for making scrap quilts; placemats; wall hangings; tote bags (see patterns above); or anything else that uses strips.
We received two cases of Scrap Bags this week. YIPPEE!! One case was "Lady Slipper Lodge" scraps, the other case was an assortment of other collections.
Moda Scrap Bags |
Karen brought in some projects for "Show and Tell" Wednesday. These are wool appliqued projects she recently finished.
Thanks, Karen for sharing with us! We love these wall hangings.
Karen also brought in this quilt she recently finished for a family member. How cute is this?
quilt Karen made for a family member |
the back of Karen's quilt pictured above |
Gina B. brought in this quilt she made for her daughter's graduation present. This is Gina's first quilt and she designed it herself.
She cut out the letters of "The Serenity Prayer" by hand and appliqued them along the border. Wow! What a task.
After getting the top made, she quilted it using her sewing machine.
This is a fabulous quilt. My camera did not capture the intricate details of this beauty.
Thanks, Gina for letting us see this wonderful creation. We know your daughter will cherish it forever.
graduation quilt Gina made for her daughter |
the back of Gina's first quilt |
"Secret Sisters" strikes again: Vicki; Shirley and Nola received gifts left by their 'sister' yesterday.
Vicki's 'sister' gave her a rotating mat |
Shirley's 'sister' gave her two books |
and some apple ornaments |
Nola's 'sister' gave her two hot pads. |
We love "Sit and Sew" on Saturdays. Everyone brings something they're working on and we try to "get-r-done"....that is, if we can stop talking and laughing long enough to get anything done!
Pat, Dorothy and Vicki working on their projects! |
Sharon has been bitten by the English Paper Piecing bug! She made this sample of 1/2" hexagons for the E.P.P. display in the shop.
Holy cow! This is really small. Gorgeous but small!!!
Sharon's 1/2" English Paper Pieced hexagons. |