We have a lot of fun at the shop. We never know who will show up or what they've been up to!
We love it when folks share their "Show and Tell" with us; work on "Sit N Sew" projects or just hang out with us while we plot and plan our next projects!
Angie and Mary Lou work on their projects |
sometimes we make silly faces while sewing! |
Sherry, Angie and Dorothy trying to decide their next projects |
Dorothy and Terri as they solve the world's problems! |
We started "Secret Sisters" several years ago. It's a lot of fun. Each month (for six months) you give your Secret Sister a gift....whether it's a card or her favorite book or a fat quarter or a spool of thread.
At the end of the six months we have a 'reveal' party so you can meet your 'secret sister'.
Shawn's "sister' gave her a card, pattern and a fat quarter as her March gifts......
and an adorable card and wall hanging for April's gift.
Vicki's 'sister' gave her two infinity scarves for her April gift.
Dorothy's 'sister' made and gave her this Americana table runner for April.
Kay brought in this lap quilt she made for her sister using one of our panels and fabric from the shop.
Kay loves (loves, loves) piano key borders so, she used blocks from a different patriotic panel we have and added them to this project.
This isn't the best picture but hopefully you can see all the elements Kay used to make this fabulous quilt.
Thanks, Kay for sharing this with us. We know your sister will love it!
Kay's Flag quilt she made for her sister |
the back of Kay's Flag lap quilt |
Kay was our honored guest at the "birthdays in April" party earlier this month. Can you see her "Happy Birthday" tiara?
Sweetness made homemade chocolate chip cookies and birthday cake for the festivities.
Happy Birthday, Kay. We wish you many many more.
April birthday girl, Kay enjoying her birthday cake! |
some of the birthday party gang! |
This beautiful creature stopped by before meeting her date for prom. Kayla (a.k.a. "The Brat") looked stunning in her prom dress.
Thanks, Brat for stopping by. We hope you had a good time at prom.
Kayla's prom dress |
we love the back of her dress |
shoes fit for a princess |
and tiara too!! |
a quick hug from surrogate granny, Dorothy..... |
before leaving. |
Newest employee, Terri, made a bunch of pillowcases (more than 30) using some of the new fabric we've received.
I wanted to display them before the shop hop but was stumped about where to put that many pillowcases.
The shop's newly appointed Creative Director, Angie, suggested hanging them above the 'New Arrivals' section. Perfect! I never would have thought of that!
Thanks to a lot of sewing by Terri, a great idea from Angie and a bajillion trips up and down the ladder by Sweetness, the pillowcase display is now complete.
Be sure to look up when you come into the shop. The pillowcases wrap around both sides of the display.
our new pillowcase display is very sexy! |
As previously mentioned, the "Spring Fling Shop Hop" was Friday and Saturday. Vicki, Dorothy, Cathy, Sweetness and I had a blast and hope you did too.
Sometimes, during the shop hop, customers bring projects they've made and want to share with us.
Sometimes, when a daughter, her Aunt (maker of the quilt) and her Mother start fighting over who gets to be in the picture you just have to kindly ask all three to be in the photo.....so no blood is shed!
I'm not saying that's what happened when Yvonne brought in this adorable quilt she hand embroidered for her new grandchild.
I'm also not saying her niece (Nola) or her sister (Diane Annette) pushed and shoved their way into the photo. Nope. Not me. I'm not saying it!
Thanks, Yvonne for sharing the spotlight with your gorgeous niece and beautiful sister.
Come back when you can, ladies. We love you to pieces.
Nola, Yvonne and Diane pose with Yvonne's baby quilt |
close up of Yvonne's hand embroidered baby quilt |
OOPS! I can't remember who made this adorable wristlet. I do know I wanted a picture of it before she left last week.
wristlet's front side |
back side of wristlet |
wristlet bottom
Sandy D. brought in this fabulous quilt she's making using Kansas Troubles fabrics. We instantly fell in love with it!
Thanks, Sandy for sharing your project with us.....my birthday is in May!!!
Sandy's Kansas Troubles quilt top |
close up of Sandy's quilt |
We had a lot of first time shop hoppers last week. These ladies drove all the way from Kansas to attend our hop, some of them were hopping for the first time.
Thanks, ladies for driving so much to get to us. Come back when you can.
these ladies drove from Kansas for our shop hop |
The shop hop wouldn't be complete without a visit from at least one four-legged kid.
Lois and Peanut stopped by as they shop hopped last week. After a lot of hugging and holding (by us), Peanut was ready for the next shop!
Lois and Peanut |
We're super excited about the "Cake Mix" pattern that came in last week. It takes part of a layer cake and part of a jelly roll to make a twin sized quilt.
This pattern is super easy and would be great for a beginner.
"Cake Mix" pattern using layer cake and jelly roll pieces |
The May/June issue of "Quilting Quickly" finally came in. We have a limited number of issues so, don't delay.
May/June's issue of Quilting Quickly |
Sharon recently made this gorgeous "Tahiti Tote" as a shop sample. This is a kit that includes almost everything but the thread and sewing machine (it has a lot of pockets).
front side of "Tahiti Tote" by Pink Sand Beach Designs |
Each kit includes limited edition batiks specifically manufactured for this designer.
We have several different kits to choose from if you're in the mood for a new tote.
back of "Tahiti Tote" |
You've heard about them. You've read about them. You're curious how they work. No, it's not a real cake mix....it's the latest and greatest way to use layer cake pieces (or any 10" squares of fabric).
The greatly anticipated (has been on back order for months) Cake Mix Recipes by Moda are finally here.
Use two layer cake pieces and these super simple pre-printed patterns to make different quilt blocks quickly.
We currently have #1, #2, #3 and #4 Cake Mix Recipes in stock. Cake Mixes #5-8 should arrive the first week in May.
Moda Cake Mix Recipes 1-4. YIPPEE!!! |
We also received the third issue of "Mod Block" by Missouri Star Quilt Company.
This issue is full of super cute ways to make traditional blocks with a twist!
latest issue of Mod Block by Missouri Star Quilt Company |
Sign up for this "Rail Fence Tote" class May 11th. Class fee of $20 (pattern required) is required at time of registration.
Receive 10% off all class supplies purchased from the shop for this or any class we offer.
Rail Fence Tote class will be May 11th. |
After all these years, we finally have an official sign. Thanks, Robin Brattin for making and to Jeff Long for installing it.
our sexy new sign |
Leona has been very busy! She brought in several projects for "Show and Tell" yesterday.
Place mats, wall hangings and completed shop hop projects were on the agenda!
Thanks, Leona for sharing your stuff with us. We love the colors you chose.
Leona's very colorful place mats and table runners |
patriotic place mats Leona shared with us yesterday |
Leona's completed projects from shop hops past! |
last year's completed shop hop projects! |
wall hanging Leona made for a family member
Ileene and Mitch stopped by with a special delivery for Dorothy yesterday.
Ileene made and gave this Bible cover to Dorothy as an early birthday present (May 10th).
"Friends Don't Let Friends Pray Alone" really says it all but especially the day before Easter.
Thanks, Ileene for being such a sweetie pie!
Dorothy and Ileene |
Sometimes we color even if it isn't Adult Coloring Book Day!
Dorothy likes butterflies |