Pat brought this block she made using patriotic fabrics. The pattern is February 9th's blocks from the "365 Blocks a Year Perpetual Calendar". She said this is the first of many blocks.....she's going to make enough for a Quilt of Valor. We can't wait to see the finished result!
Pat's February 9th block from her "365 Blocks a Year Perpetual Calendar". |
Vicki W. is making this quilt for a friend deployed to Afghanistan. I hope you can see the different fabrics she used. The light and dark values of the fabrics are stunning. Super fantastic job, Vicki!
Vicki's Quilt of Valor she' making for a friend deployed to Afghanistan |
close-up of Vicki's top. |
Last Saturday Ryan and his Mom, Judi M., stopped by to use a gift certificate he received for Christmas. After much contemplation, he decided on a Moda scrap bag and a set of mini-charms he really liked.
Yesterday, Ryan brought in his project for "Show and Tell". He told us he picked out some of the strips from the scrap bag and some of the squares from the mini-charm to make a wall hanging for his room. He picked out the backing and binding from his Mom's stash and helped her 'guide' her long arm quilting machine to quilt it.
The center block was already stamped on the fabric but Ryan did all the stitching. What a precious little boy.
Thank You, Mrs. Claus, for giving Ryan his Christmas gift certificate. We might have another male quilter on our hands!
Cheryl W. emailed this picture of the "Quilt of Valor" she's making. She wanted to do something 'outside the box' and came up with this design. We can't wait to see the finished quilt.
Ryan's Mom, Judi, brought her own stuff for "Show and Tell" yesterday! This is her Tumbler quilt. We love all the different colors.
This is the table runner Judi made from scraps a friend gave her. She didn't have yellow enough fabric to finish the last block so, she combined the leftover fabrics to make the binding for the last block! How creative is that!
Cathy C. brought her "Log Cabin" quilt in yesterday. This was a project she made during a workshop. We love the red borders. Great job, Cathy.